20+ Badass Google Chrome Extensions to Ease Your SEO Efforts in 2023 (Updated)

SEO Chrome Extensions

Google Chrome is undoubtedly the majority’s favorite web browser. With abundantly available add-ons on productivity, search and developer tools, it’s pretty evident why it’s the number one choice of millions worldwide.

Nowadays, almost every online marketer knows the importance of SEO. The activities are getting more complex, competitive and challenging with every passing day. Here is a list of few effective Google Chrome extensions handpicked for you, which can turbocharge your SEO efforts in 2023.

1. SEO Search Simulator

SEO Search Simulator by Nightwatch

Knowing your or a competitor’s website rank on search results has never been so simple. SEO Search Simulator by Nightwatch lets you know the SERP ranking of any website on Google by using a simulator to automate search queries from any location.

Install SEO Search Simulator Extension

2. GCache Browser

GCache Browser Search Engine Mogul

This extension lets you easily browse Google cached web pages. You can even access your favorite websites while they are offline. Switching from one cached page to another is also very easy. With GCache Browser, SEO professionals can easily see a website condition when Googlebot has last checked it.

Install GCache Browser Extension

3. WhatRuns

WhatRuns Chrome Extension

This extension lets you know the entire technology stack used on any website. Discover the framework, plugins, CMS, themes, fonts, analytics, ad networks, and developer tools used in a given website. WhatRuns is lighter on a browser and has better detection accuracy in comparison to other similar products. You may also follow a website to be notified whenever the tech stack is modified.

Get WhatRuns Chrome Extension

4. SEOquake

SEOquake Chrome Extension

This plugin reviews all major SEO metrics. You can run SEO audits of entire websites. Check statistics of social media platforms at ease. Receive comprehensive reports on SERP, keyword density, external and internal links. The list of SEO parameters includes Google’s index, links, and cache data; SEMrush’s rank, links, backlinks by hostname and domain, search engine traffic, and many more.

Get SEOquake for Chrome

5. Link Redirect Trace

Link Redirect Trace Extension

It helps you trace the redirect path of different URLs. You may use this extension to analyze links, HTTP headers, Rel-Canonicals, Robot.txt, on-page/off-page optimization. This will help you understand whether your redirect links are SEO friendly or malicious.

Learn More on Link Redirect Trace

6. WebSee

Sonar Chrome Extension

This extension is extremely valuable in identifying performance issues of websites. Sonar helps you monitor the size of webpages, and how long it takes to load a given website. It also helps you identify the underlying causes of slow response times.

Add WebSee Extension to Chrome

7. vidIQ Vision for YouTube

This is a pretty handy Chrome extension for video publishers who wish to increase viewers on YouTube. You will get to know all about search optimization on YouTube, trending videos, related videos, recommended videos, and a lot more. Key features include subscriber engagement details like usage metrics, social media likes/shares, channel audits, competitor insights, etc.

Get vidIQ Vision for YouTube

8. Google Analytics URL Builder

Google Analytics URL Builder Extension

This extension helps you in your digital campaign by tracking your web traffic at a very granular level. It tracks different components of your campaign for a detailed analysis. URLs can be tagged with campaign variables and the progress monitored using the Google Analytics tool. Campaign variables help you identify those promotions which are generating clicks, grabbing traffic and conversions. Features include auto-generation of Final URLs, support for URL shortening by Bit.ly, unlimited preset of tags for fast tagging, etc.

Add Google Analytics URL Builder

9. SeoStack Keyword Tool

SeoStack Keyword Tool Extension

This free extension by SeoStack helps you generate long-tail keywords very conveniently to leverage your content marketing. It can generate thousands of long-tail keywords from multiple search engines.

Download SeoStack Keyword Tool

10. Lighthouse

Lighthouse Chrome Extension

This Chrome extension is an open-sourced and automated tool to identify the quality and performance of web apps. Based on a series of automated tests, a report is generated on how well the web pages performed. This will help you improvise your web apps.

Get Lighthouse for Chrome

11. User-Agent Switcher and Manager

User-agents are strings in HTTP headers, which helps a web server understand the browser and the platform of the user requesting a given web page. This Chrome extension helps you mask your original user-agent string, and switch to a well-known user-agent currently being used for different web browsers and platforms. The switching and managing are so reliable that the best version of the web page is rendered to you.

Install User-Agent Switcher and Manager

12. Hub VPN – Free VPN Connection

Free VPN Extension

This Chrome extension is an extremely reliable and secured VPN to access websites anonymously, which are blocked in your country, region, school or organization. It is entirely free without requiring any user registration, ensuring full privacy and security against hackers, DDoS attacks. You can surf the web and check the search engine results by changing the IP address.

Add Hub VPN to Chrome

13. Data Scraper (Data Miner)

Do you ever need contact information from social media profiles, or maybe product information, price, reviews and ratings from eCommerce sites, or simply website data insights for lead generation and marketing campaigns.

This Chrome browser extension allows you to scrape website data and export them into “.XLS”, “.CSV”, and “.TSV” formats so that you can analyze them in spreadsheets. This also helps you in auto-filling forms when you need bulk registration of accounts on certain websites. Get search engine results, product specifications, and social network insights in an easy and hassle-free way.

Get Data Scraper Chrome Extension

14. Linkclump

Linkclump Chrome Extension

This is a productivity-based Chrome extension, which allows you to perform multiple actions on links simultaneously. You can perform various actions like opening/closing links in tabs or windows, filter links based on parameters, bookmark links, auto-scroll and select multiple links, and a lot more – all at one go. It works on multiple operating platforms as well.

Install Linkclump Extension

15. SERPTrends SEO Extension

SERPTrends SEO Extension Image

The SERPTrends Chrome extension is a very handy tool for SEO/SEM specialists. This helps you perform a detailed analysis of SERP rankings of websites. You can easily identify website ranks and their upward/downward movements on major search engines regularly.

Download SERPTrends SEO Extension

16. OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer

OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer

This extension checks structured data within the web pages like XML schema, microdata, metadata, etc. It can check pages available on the web, within an intranet site, or even those which are password protected. This helps in marking up your web pages for better SEO listing.

Get Structured Data Testing Tool

17. Where is My Website

Where is My Website

If you are a website owner or a blogger, getting higher up in search results based on keywords is definitely on top of your priority list. This tool is extremely useful to understand how your websites rank in keyword searches in comparison to competitors.

Install Where is My Website

18. Check My Links

Check My Links Extension

This extension checks broken links in web pages. It detects all links and tests them whether they are valid ones or broken. This is extremely useful for web developers and content publishers dealing with a lot of links on their websites.

Learn about Check My Links Extension

19. View Rendered Source

View Rendered Source Extension

This is an important tool for JavaScript developers using frameworks like AngularJS, ReactJS, and VueJS. It is a light extension that shows how the browser renders the original HTML page into a logical tree structure – document object model (DOM). The changes made to the web pages by JavaScript are also visible. SEO professionals can also understand how search engines view their websites.

Learn to View Rendered Source

20. ObservePoint TagDebugger

ObservePoint TagDebugger Extension

This Chrome extension helps you troubleshoot your marketing and analytics tags on a page-by-page basis. It captures event-triggered and page-load requests for the concerned tags and parses them into a human-readable format for easy debugging.

Get ObservePoint TagDebugger

21. IP Whois & Flags Chrome & Websites Rating

IP Whois Extension SearchEngineMogul

This extension provides complete information about a website like its physical location, owner name, hosting company, IP address, DNS information, number of daily visitors, popularity rank, reputation, virus and malware checks, etc.

Check IP Whois & Flags Chrome & Websites Rating

22. Google News Extractor (GNE)

The easiest approach to analyze news rankings in Google Search, Google News Search, and on news.google.com is via Google News Extractor. GNE efficiently retrieves all pertinent data about an article from the news results. This cool Chrome extension for SEOs has been built by Stephan Czysch and his efficient searchanalyzer team.

Install Google News Extractor

With so many extensions available on the most dominant web browser, online activity is more hassle-free than ever before. If you are still not using these extensions, chances are that you are significantly putting in a lot of effort without being very productive on your online goal. Pick up an extension of your choice and get started right away. Adding a Chrome extension is as easy as a child’s play.

Image Courtesy: Modified Image of geralt/pixabay, Google Chrome Web Store


  • Winfred

    Wow! This is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to improve their SEO efforts. Your list of Google Chrome extensions covers a wide range of tools that can help with everything from generating long-tail keywords to monitoring web performance.

    The descriptions you provided for each extension were very clear and concise, making it easy for readers to understand what each one does and how it can help. Great job!

  • Swati Roy

    Your site is a masterpiece. I’m so glad to have found it—it’s been incredibly helpful. Thanks for putting it together! I love the content you publish, keep on publishing more and keep me updated.

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